Southwest Foundation
Southwest's first ever Wellness Day on Friday, December 18 gave students a chance to learn about and discuss mental health issues, lifestyle choices, and ways they can handle the stresses of school, social, and home life.
Parent volunteer June Thiemann organized the day with the help of a team of staff, parents, and mental health professionals. The day also gave student artists a chance to interpret Wellness and perform for their peers in dance, music, and film. And there were treats, too! Wellness Day was held in conjunction with B.L.A.S.T. Day, a day where students give back by collecting funds for others in need. This year the students supported The Bridge for Youth. Wellness Day was funded by the Southwest Foundation.
Partner in Wellness Day funding
Minnehaha Creek Watershed District
Southwest High School PTSA Wellness Committee – Water, Wellness, & Worldview
The Wellness Committee of Southwest High School’s PTSA will conduct a year-long study of how water, wellness, and worldview are intricately connected – culminating in an all-school event tied to their annual Wellness Day. The project aims to build healthy individuals who understand that their world and their water are intricately tied to their wellbeing.
Partner in Water, Wellness, & Worldview Project
Assistance League: Mpls/St. Paul
Caring & Commitment in Action
Partner in "Creating a Culture of Wellness Yoga Bridge"
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